Other productions

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

An original producction of theatre and dance about Frida Kahlo’s life.
It is said that in the last breath, in the final moment before death, a beam of light appears in front of
us. This is the moment chosen by the author to begin telling the story.

Solo yo culpable

Only I Guilty?

It’s a reflection on the “unelected” course of two women, whose lives interlace in a place where time is not measured in the same cadence in which their universe moves; They are bound to a life of imprisonment plagued by inherited emptiness.

Bernarda Alba

About Bernarda Alba

Alone in her bedroom, Bernarda prepares to rest, but the oppressive atmosphere propels her dreams towards a distressing nightmare. Through this oneiric journey, she feels tension with the relationships around her from her daughters and the subjugation imposed by her, it takes them on a vertiginous spiral of anxiety that La Poncia will put a stop to.

Retazos y movimientos

Retazos y movimientos

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